Gail Mallimson is currently Director of Development Communications and Donor Relations at SF State. In charge of campaign communications and promoting donorship to SF State, she strategically creates branding, strategies and content used in omni-platform marketing, media relations, and communications. Her position entails collaborating with high-level administrators to ensure her team’s work reflects University planning and priorities. Gail has played a leading role in communications and marketing for multiple campaigns at the University, including the Catalyze the Future campaign to benefit the University’s new Science & Engineering Innovation Center and the BOLD Thinking campaign, which won a Silver Marketing Award for Branding from the Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE) in 2020. She supervises two full-time staff positions and consultants, student workers, and interns.

BOLD Thinking Campaign Communications

bold thinking logo

Catalyze the Future Campaign - branding, collaterals, PR


Magazine Advertisement

Magazine Advertisement for Scholarships

Annual Report: Project Management & Writing